Working Bee 1st OCT 2022
Hello All,
Weather permitting, the first working bee for this new membership year will be held on Saturday 1st October 2022. Nobody likes working bees but if we want to enjoy the facilities we need to put in the effort to maintain them. Starting time of 09:00 AM. Persons attending will need to ensure their names are recorded in the Working Bee Log Book.Planned activity for this working bee: – spread the three loads of previously delivered sand onto the runways in order to smooth out the rough patches. To lift and repaint the runway markers. Members are requested to bring wheelbarrows if possible, buckets, shovels, rakes and paintbrushes.
– Whipper snipper tidy-up of areas would also be nice but the primary activity is the spreading of the sand. Future working bee projects: -install protective roofing on container.
-resite or install additional model restraining posts closer to the container area which will now be the area to be used for members to tune their engines or additional works on their models -Repaint the model set-up benches -Whipper snipping of surrounds -Repainting of gates located at the runway extremities other projects as needs arise. Thank You
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